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Destroy the Holy Land - Bring Peace

Destroy The Holy Land

Is this post going to be offensive? Probably. Will I regret posting it later? Who knows. But I'll tell you one thing... on paper, sure looks like a nice solution.

Christ, Moses, Islamic Prophet Muhammad, gave a message of peace.
Now look at us. Forgot about who started it for a moment (even though we all know who started it), look at what we're doing. We're fighting, killing each other and corrupting our politics over what?
Yes, yes, some people call it The Holy Land, but what is it? I'll tell ya, land. We're fighting over, dirt, some scattered rocks and boulders... a few foothills, and some old historical sites. That's it. That's why millions of people in Gaza are dying while Israelis take trips to go sign the missiles that kill them.

It's all over fucking dirt and sand.

 That's all the Holy Land is... just a bunch of fucking dirt and sand. That's it. Oh, right, how insensitive of me; It's a bunch of fucking dirt and sand that's been there for a long time. Really, who gives a fuck?

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, do you think He intended for us to revere the spot in Jerusalem where we think He might have been born, even more than any of His Teachings?
Do you think Jesus' message was to defend the exact spots of land that he stood on, by building a giant fucking nuclear warhead to keep out all the non-Christians? Was that His message?

I'm tired of 6 BILLION dollars of our fucking tax money going to defend a bunch of wealthy sick-o's in the middle east who are one some religious ego trip and think they gotta be on the same spot of dirt they think Moses might have wondered on. Who gives a fuck where Moses lived? Or where he parted the red sea. Did he even? I don't fucking care! Because I'll tell you one thing, I don't think Moses was thinking, 'Oh, better mark this spot on a map, so that 2,500 years from now some rich Europeans can come and kill off all the Arabs that live here'. I'm sure Moses would be just as proud to find a shrine for him, protected by the KKK as he is to see his land being courageously defended by Israeli soldiers who aren't afraid to shoot at unarmed pregnant Palestinian women.

Look, what do you do when you got 2 kids, fighting over a toy, one kid says,
"I got it!"
"No, it's mine, give it back."
"I had it first!"

What do you do? Do you pick sides and say, 'Oh, I gonna side with little Billy here.' No! Kids are fucking annoying. When 2 kids fight, you don't join in, you tell to shut the fuck up!

So SHUT THE FUCK UP! I don't give a fuck, if Jesus was born there. I don't give a FUCK if you think that's where Moses lead your people. You're NOT getting my tax dollars, so you can go on some Holy endeavor.

Look, as a Christian, I believe those sites are Holy too. But I also know what Jesus taught. And the Bible doesn't say, Jesus took a stick and marked out where we should install our perimeter defenses (courtesy of US taxpayer), and here is where the holy missile base should be (again, US tax payer)...etc. Fuck it. The Holy Land is already desecrated by all the fighting that's going on there.

So back to the two fighting kids. They won't shut up, they're fucking annoying, and the toy is fucking expensive on, and you know they're going to break it. What do you do? You take it away!

If you can't stop fighting over the Holy Land, if you can't share it, then don't fucking live there!
And that's not a suggestion.
Fuck, I think we should pull our Military out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and move them straight into the Holy Land. Then evacuate it! Everybody out! Jerusalem - empty, no people, notta. Everyone, go live somewhere else, move to some other country, can't stay here.

Then, when it's totally empty, and devoid of all residents. We fire bomb it. Fucking burn that whole fucking city to the ground. I don't care about all the historical Churches or whatever. If we can't share it peacefully, then NOBODY can have it.

And you know what I think we should do then? Convert it into a wasteland. Imagine, the world's dump. We would pay all the people who lived there (used to) a $HIT load of money, to use that whole land, as the world's dump. Nuclear waste, garbage, decommissioned junk, whatever, Jerusalem is the perfect place for it.

And that's the solution folks.


Not, 'take back the Holy Land'. Not, kick out all the non-believers. No. Just fucking Firebomb it. Would that desecrate the place of Jesus' birth? Maybe, but only about as much as all the racism and fascism that's going on there right now. The Holy Land is already desecrated. It's a land of death, of children signing missiles, or terrorism, of racism, of prejudice.

And the sooner we wipe the Holy Land off the face of the earth, the better, and the sooner we'll have peace. You want the path to peace? That's it. We can't share it. Israel won't share with Palestine, and I'm sure the reverse would be true if Palestine had any of the Holy Land left under it's control. So fuck it. Nobody gets the Holy Land.

When there is no more Holy Land, there will be no more Palestine and no more Israel. Instead it will be the fucking world dump. And all the people who go there can tour the world's largest assortment of junk that all the nations didn't have room to store. And we do need a place to store our nuclear waste, btw.

I'm tired of giant Pro-Israel lobbies buy up our politicians. I'm tired of angry mobs of 'christians' talking about how they're not giving a damn penny to our 'socialist' public schools, but suddenly when Israel thinks that Iran may or may not develop a nuclear mission in 60 months (5 years), the pocket books go flying open. What happened conservative America, I thought the government took all your money? Now you're telling me you got like, $100, or $400 in your pocket to give to a foreign country's military? Oh fuck that shit! Ever heard of the USS Liberty? Of course not.

If keeping the Holy Land around, means more of this,

Then leave a pacifist like me the fuck out of it.
Fight your own damn war.

Kick everyone out of the Holy Land. Leave the whole fucking dirt wad, deserted. Then, FIREBOMB IT! Or Nuke it from orbit, whichever. Just destroy it already so we can stop all the racism, the Islamophobia, and all the killing.

Zionists will stop fighting their wars and rampaging across our politics once we take away what they have to fight for. If that land is reduced to a nuclear wasteland they'll have nothing left to defend, nothing to lobby for, unless they want to start a new Israel up the Antarctic somewhere, in which case, have at it! It's a few miles of from where Moses found himself but whatever.

Now, if some religious psycho, wants to go dig through all that garbage and go live down by the nuclear waste, because he thinks that, 2,000 years ago, his uncle Larry lived there, or because his family has been there for generations; let 'em. But, document them on film when they do go, because that's the closest thing to insanity that you'll ever see.

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